benchmark on H3 Exoskeleton, force data

Citation Author(s):
Juan alejandro
Castaño peña
Submitted by:
Juan Castano
Last updated:
Wed, 08/07/2024 - 11:14
Data Format:
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Developing robust benchmarking methods is crucial for evaluating the standing stability of

bipedal systems, including humanoid robots and exoskeletons. This paper presents a standardized benchmarking

procedure based on the Linear Inverted Pendulum Model and the Capture Point concept to normalize

the maximum angular momentum before falling. Normalizing these variables establishes absolute and relative

benchmarks achieving comprehensive comparisons across different bipedal systems. Simulations were

conducted on two humanoid robots, COMAN and WALK-MAN, to validate the approach, demonstrating

its applicability to robots of various sizes and configurations. Furthermore, the same benchmarking method

was applied to the therapeutic exoskeleton H3, illustrating its potential to optimize mechanical design and

therapeutic performance. The results indicate that this standardized procedure provides a valuable tool for

assessing and improving the stability of anthropomorphic robotic systems, providing insights into both

hardware capabilities and control strategies.


each file contains the measured force for the numbered experiment. Data was sampled at 0.001 ms but force variations have a 10 ms sampling. for visualizing them, use the plot.m include