
Two publicly available datasets, the PASS and EmpaticaE4Stress databases, were utilised in this study. They were chosen because they both used the same Empatica E4 device, which allowed the acquisition of a variety of signals, including PPG and EDA. The dataset consists of in 1587 30-second PPG segments. Each segment has been filtered and normalized using a 0.9–5 Hz band-pass and min-max normalization scheme.


This dataset collects the responses elicited in 10 different subjects brain when imagining 10 different semantic categories of stimuli belonging to visual and auditory domain.

The responses are acquired using an electrodes cap. The 126 electrodes are placed accordin to the 10/5% system by Oostenveld.


Microwave-based breast cancer detection is a growing field that has been investigated as a potential novel method for breast cancer detection. Breast microwave sensing (BMS) systems use low-powered, non-ionizing microwave signals to interrogate the breast tissues. While some BMS systems have been evaluated in clinical trials, many challenges remain before these systems can be used as a viable clinical option, and breast phantoms (breast models) allow for rigorous and controlled experimental investigations.
