Our DeepCoAST dataset specifically explores the vulnerabilities of various traffic-splitting Website Fingerprinting (WF) Defenses, such as TrafficSliver, HyWF, and CoMPS. Our dataset comprises defended traces generated from the BigEnough dataset, which includes Tor cell trace instances of 95 websites, each represented by 200 instances collected under the standard browser security level. We simulated the traffic-splitting defenses assuming there are two split traces from the vanilla trace.
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It is a large-scale data set of wireless network coverage for over 22,000 4G base stations in France. This data set is generated by applying VoronoiBoost and official sources of base station deployment. The data covers ten main metropolitan areas in the country, encompassing a variety of dense urban, suburban and rural areas.
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5G technologies have enabled new applications on a heterogeneous and distributed infrastructure edge which unifies hardware, network and software aimed at digital enabling. Based on the requirements of Industry 4.0, this infrastructure is developed using the cloud and fog computing sharing model, which should meet the needs of service level agreements in a convenient and optimized way, requiring an orchestration mechanism for the dynamic resource allocation.
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The EEG data were acquired from 16 healthy young adults (age range 22 - 30 years) with no neurological, physical, or psychiatric illness history. All the participants were naive BCI users who had not participated in any related experiments before. Informed consent was received from all participants.
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