This data set consists of broadband VLF data that is used to calculate polarization for the paper titled "Polarization-Based VLF Remote Sensing of Transient Ionospheric Disturbances." The data is collected on two orthogonal magnetic loop antennas with 16-bit resolution at 100 kHz sample rate, with timing provided by a GPS-trained oscillator. EG is East Granby, Connecticut, and CN is Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The start dates and start times for the file are encoded in the file title: YYMMDDHHMMSS.
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ER-SPG is a Matlab code for producing synthetic power graphs using well-known Erdos-Renyi Random Model. It scales power graphs and achieves connectivity in each scale by different approach, and accordingly connected graphs with average degree between 2 to 5 (normally between 2.3 to 3.1) can be produced by ER_SPG with the structures similar to power graphs. It also reorders the graph vertices to obtain consecutive numbering similar to power graphs. This algorithm is also provides locations of zero injection buses (ZIBs) as operational data of power graphs.
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In this dataset, we conduct the spectrum monitoring experiment in AERPAW Lake Wheeler site, which can be classified as a rural area. The helikite flies up to an altitude of 500 feet at increments of 10 meters, while waiting for 5 minutes in between altitude changes. The spectrum is monitored up to 6~GHz. The trajectory of the helikite mapped on top of the experiment site during the flight is in the dataset image. Small random variations in altitude due to wind can also be observed.
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Impulse response data used in article.
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An efficient artificial scenerio generator for EV load simulation modeling has been developed acquiring probabilistic method for characterizing the stochastic nature of EVs and generate the schedule of EVs charging to ultimately achieve the EV load profile for impact study of EVs on distribution network. Model has been tested under different settings and by generating different scenarios to make it viable, realistic and adaptable to any defined characteristics.
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This dataset contains segmented data of nine human knees. For each of the knees, the surfaces (vertices and faces) of the following structures are provided: femur, tibia, fibula, patella, and the contrast solution that was injected into the knee joint representing the volume that is available for the manipulation of surgical instruments.
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Exact BER Analysis for Two-user NOMA uUing QAM with Arbitrary Modulation Order
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This data set is the capture of the Radio Frequency emissions from 9 IoT devices using an USRP Software Defined Radio. The data set is in MATLAB format and it stores the IQ samples of the signals in space. The data set can be used for experimental and analysis on Radio Frequency identification and authentication.
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