The data set contains raw channel-sounding data of 30 clinically relevant scenarios, captured in the university clinic of Dresden, Germany, and a script to analyze them. The measurement campaign was conducted in five environments:
- Infirmary (Inf)
- Emergency Room (ER)
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Hallway (Hall)
- Elevator (Elev)
The patients were performing various motion sequences:
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This dateset is mainly used to submit simulation files and code related to the communication that has been submitted to IEEE-TAP.
The title of the communicationis ”Inverse Design Method Based on Spectral Analysis for Aperture Field Starting from Arbitrary Phaseless Radiation Pattern“.
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This is the data from an Android Bluetooth tracing experiment performed for a period of 35 days in an academic environment (University Politehnica of Bucharest) between November 18 and December 22 2011.
date/time of measurement start: 2011-11-18
date/time of measurement end: 2011-12-22
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With increasing research on solving Dynamic Optimization Problems (DOPs), many metaheuristic algorithms and their adaptations have been proposed to solve them. However, from currently existing research results, it is hard to evaluate the algorithm performance in a repeatable way for combinatorial DOPs due to the fact that each research work has created its own version of a dynamic problem dataset using stochastic methods. Up to date, there are no combinatorial DOP benchmarks with replicable qualities.
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The prototype transmitter was placed on the floating platform for generating the inductive magnetic field, and the distance between the rotating magnet and the sea surface is 35 cm to 45 cm. The waterproof ferrite-rod coil was hung in the seawater as a receiving antenna at a depth of 10 m.
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We conducted an undersea magnetic induction (MI) communication experiment in the South China Sea to demonstrate the feasibility of a rotating permanent magnet transmitter. The rotating permanent magnet transmitter is placed on the floating platform for generating the inductive magnetic field, and a ferrite-rod coil with the glue-filled waterproof seal is hung in the seawater as a receiving antenna. This data is a received magnetic signal at a depth of 30 m in seawater.
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