C source code file and outputs
This research presents a multi-channel phase shift inductor-inductor-capacitor (LLC) resonant converter with a wide input and output voltage range that has been specially optimized for fuel cell applications. The worst-case minimum stack voltage and the battery voltage range were used to determine the optimal parameters of the LLC converter. The voltage gain of the converter operating at a constant power was considered, and an algorithm for such a calculation is proposed.
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Dataset is intended for studying how student programming styles and usage of IDE differs between students who plagiarise their homework and students who solve them honestly.
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This paper presents a fast and open source extension based on the NSGA-II code stored in the repository of the Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (KanGAL) and the adjustment of the selection operator. It slightly modifies existing well-established genetic algorithms for many-objective optimization called the NSGA-III, the adaptive NSGA-III (A-NSGA-III), and the efficient adaptive NSGA-III, (A$^2$-NSGA-III).
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All primes can be indexed by $k$, as primes must be in the form of
$6k+1$ or $6k-1$. In this paper, we explore for what $k$ such that
either $6k+1$ or $6k-1$ is not a prime. The results can sieve primes
and especially twin primes.
$k \in S_{l} \Rightarrow 6k-1 \not \in \mathbb{P}$, $k \in S_{r}
\Rightarrow 6k+1 \not \in \mathbb{P},$ where $S_{l} = [-I]_{6I+1} =
[I]_{6I-1} \backslash \min([I]_{6I-1}), I \in \mathbb{N},$ and
$S_{r} = [-I]_{6I-1} \cup [I]_{6I+1} \backslash \min([I]_{6I+1}), I
\in \mathbb{N}.$ That is,
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We study a reverse problem - given a reduced dynamics or partial dynamics, can we compute a residue class who presents that dynamics.
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We design a computer program that can randomly generate extremely large integers and output their original dynamics. The source code is txpo10b.c. The bit length of integers can be defined by Macro (named MAXLEN) in source code. The number of randomly generated integers can be set by inputting argument. The program can output the original dynamics of a starting integer in terms of “-” presenting (3*x+1)/2 and “0” presenting x/2. This data can be used for observing the relation between the count of “-” and the count of “0”.
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