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The source code includes the modified version of QuaDRiGa source code, the scritps that we developed to generate the layout and the channel and delay coefficients for the dual mobile space-ground links. We integrate a practical phenomenon in signal reception by employing both a LOS probability model and a state transition model which follows the semi-Markov approach.


This file contains real GNSS data collected from a suburban region to a dense urban region in Ottawa. For the interest of the work, only GPS data are collected. The data are collected using two Ublox GNSS units (receivers), namely EVK-M8T and EVK-M8U. EVK-M8T is a timing product that can provide precise timing information for post-processing. EVK-M8U is a product that features dead reckoning mode, making this product reliable even in urban canyons. The data are in the format of UBX, NAV, and OBS. The UBX file is outputed directly by the receiver using u-center (software).
