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First Name: 
Dr. Farooque
Last Name: 

Datasets & Competitions

In our research, we generate datasets utilizing two key statistical models: the Poisson Process Distribution and the Beta Distribution. These models are employed to simulate and analyze various aspects of Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet of Things (IoT) environments, with a particular emphasis on wireless communications. By leveraging these distributions, our study aims to optimize resource allocation, improve reliability, and ensure that QoS requirements are met in complex and dynamic wireless communication scenarios within IoT ecosystems.


This dataset comprises a range of features, including time slots, device IDs, geographic coordinates (x, y), energy consumption, uplink history, emergency status, QoS pool identifiers, data flags, resource IDs, and data sizes. The device locations are modeled using a Poisson distribution with a spread of \(100\) meters within a \(500 \times 500\) meter area. The uplink history, QoS pool assignments, and data flags are derived from the probabilities of data availability and priority values. 


The trace location in Seoul, South Korea has an area spanning over 2.5 × 1.5 km where there are are more than 30 intersections. A number of simulated vehicles are moving in the road topology. Each vehicle shows following properties for every second: 

timestep(simulation) secondsThe time step described by the values within this timestep-element

ididThe id of the vehicle

typeidThe name of the vehicle type

speedm/sThe speed of the vehicle


Vehicular networks have various characteristics that can be helpful in their inter-relations identifications. Considering that two vehicles are moving at a certain speed and distance, it is important to know about their communication capability. The vehicles can communicate within their communication range. However, given previous data of a road segment, our dataset can identify the compatibility time between two selected vehicles. The compatibility time is defined as the time two vehicles will be within the communication range of each other.
