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I would introduce the data we uploaded as follows: These data are the experimental fringe images taken by the experimental platform we built. These phase-shifting fringe images are divided into the fringe images required for calibration and the fringe images for measuring the target to be measured. The required images for calibration are the fringe images taken at different heights (different heights are: 15mm, 25mm, 30mm and 40mm).


These are the 16-step phase-shift fringe images and five gray code fringe images that we collected and applied to the experiment. To facilitate the comparison experiments, we also supplement the average intensity images.
In order to better compare the experimental results, we collected the images of no target, horizontal discontinuous target and continuous target respectively, so that the results can better reflect all kinds of situations, so as to make the results more extensive and illustrative.


This data is for Fourfold-N step phase shifting method. There are three types of images here and in each type : '1. bmp', '5. bmp', '9. bmp', and '13. bmp' are the first set of data, '2. bmp', '6. bmp', '10. bmp', and '14. bmp' are the second set of data, '3. bmp', '7. bmp', '11. bmp', and '15. bmp' are the third set of data, and '4. bmp', '8. bmp', '12. bmp', and '16. bmp' are the fourth set of data. And 'g1. bmp', 'g2. bmp', 'g3. bmp', and 'g4. bmp' are Gray code images with auxiliary phase unwrapping.


This dataset includes various gauge blocks of different heights at different positions. This includes two sets of data with no targets and different measurement heights. Each data consists of 16 phase-shifting images and their corresponding Gray code images.


This dataset includes various gauge blocks of different heights at different positions. This includes two sets of data with no targets and different measurement heights. Each data consists of 16 phase-shifting images and their corresponding Gray code images.


This dataset includes various gauge blocks of different heights at different positions. This includes two sets of data with no targets and different measurement heights. Each data consists of 16 phase-shifting images and their corresponding Gray code images.


This is a data set to show the advantage of the method in this paper, the data set has two kinds of data: the multi-sine phase-shifting images and comparison method images, the images are all modulated for different targets, such as: The half of white ping pong ball . In this data set, the “3phase.bmp” are the images for the method in this paper, the ”2plus1.bmp” are the images for all kinds of two phase-shifting methods, where R layer image is average intensity image, G layer and B layer images are phase-shifting images.
