ZIP (the format of the included file is OPJ)

Two-dimensional (2D) materials have layered structure with unique properties. One of the properties of interest is the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) which should be large for fast thermal sensors. The TCR is the calculation of the relative change in resistance per degree of temperature change. Taking a step further, tunable TCR is a concept that involves the control of TCR by the gate voltage. Here we have shown that in a field effect transistor device, the 2D semiconductor material WSe2 has a TCR, which can be controlled by varying the applied gate voltage.


This data gives the testing data of the 6-DoF maglev rotary table including step response, slope tracking, multi-axis motion. With the numerical wrench model and harmonic force model employed in the control system, the dynamic responses have some differences. Each opj file contains the test group (numerical wrench model) and control group (analytical harmonic model).


As the uploaded files are .opj format and opened by OriginLab, the uploaded files have contained the corresponding figures.


The file is for an improved compact SPICE model validated for the terahertz frequency range in a large dynamic range. The model validation
was done by comparing the simulation results with the analytical THz detection theory and with the measured data for the 130 nm InGaAs/AlGaAs HFETs. The modeling results are in good agreement with the analytical THz detection theory and with the measured sub-THz response dependence on the bias, power, and polarization. It
