This dataset is very vast and contains tweets related to COVID-19. There are 226668 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona',  ,  'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ',  'covid19', 'coronavirus '.  For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "". Twitter doesn't allow public sharing of other details related to tweet data( texts,etc.) so can't upload here.


This dataset is very vast and contains Bengali tweets related to COVID-19. There are 36117 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona',  ,  'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ',  'covid19', 'coronavirus '.  For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "". Code snippet is given in Documentation file. Sharing Twitter data other than Tweet ids publicly violates Twitter regulation policies.    


Purpose is to describe the dynamics of the COVID19 pandemics accounting for the mitigation measures, for the introduction or removal of the quarantine, and for the effect of vaccination when and if introduced.

Methods include the derivation of the Pandemic Equation describing the mitigation measures via the evolution of the growth time constant in the Pandemic Equation resulting in an asymmetric pandemic curve with a steeper rise than a decrease.
