serious games

In the data set acquisition phase, the system will automatically record the following data: frontal video recording: the frame rate of the video is 10Hz per second, and the video contains the patient's movement, posture and facial information; hemodynamic data: the acquisition frequency is 10Hz per second, covering the area of the prefrontal lobe of the brain, and including the hemodynamic information of 22 channels; kinematic data: the acquisition frequency is 10Hz per second, and including the hand velocity, shoulder angular velocity, elbow angular velocity and sitting posture information


Behavioral traits for 115 employees in public buildings, namely sensitivity to personal comfort loss, desire for conformance to social norms, desire for teaming, desire for rewards. Data has been collected in the pilot studies of H2020 ChArGED for gamified energy conservation in public buildings (grant agreement no. 696170). 
