
In the present paper, we establish the existence of the solution of the hyperbolic partial differential equation
with a nonlinear operator that satisfies the general initial conditions
are given functions under the assumptions of form-bounded conditions on its coefficients.
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This Dataset includes the lsit of articles indexed by Google Scholar from 2003-2019, realted to: Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Multi-Access Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing.
The data has been cleaned by removing duplicates, non-english articles, un-realted articles (i.e. computing edges in a picture is not about Edge Computing) and articles that weren't directly or easily accessable.
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For Lissajous scanning the synchronization of both axis is crucial. The laser beam is deflected vertically by the first MEMS mirror, redirected to the second mirror and deflected horizontally. In the proposed master slave concept, the synchronization controller Φ compensates for relative phase errors by duty cycle adjustments while individual PLLs keep each MEMS mirror stabilized. This videos show how the projected grid and center pixel drifts if the synchroniaztion controller between both MEMS mirrors with individual PLLs is turned off.
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This paper presents a multi-wide band monopole antenna for automotive application in the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and 5G systems that covers the frequency range from 617MHz to 5GHz with reasonable rejection on the L1/L2/L5 GNSS bands. The antenna is suitable for placement on a car roof within a shark-fin radome due to its physical dimensions and performance. The antenna is simulated using software and then fabricated and measured on a one-meter ground plane and on a vehicle roof.
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In this paper, a PID controller is applied to control the temperature to a proposed model derived of the Newton’s law of cooling. The control problem considers a second-order model obtained that the rate at which the temperature of a body decreases with time is proportional to the difference in temperature between the body and its surroundings. This model represents a mathematical function the device's output for each possible input with initial conditions zero.
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This dataset contains a list of 284 popular websites and URLs to their privacy statements. The websites belong to the three largest South Asian economies, namely, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Each website is categorized into 10 sectors, namely, e-commerce, finance/banking, education, healthcare, news, government, telecom, buy and sell, job/freelance, and blogging/discussion. We hope that this dataset will help researchers in investigating website privacy compliance.
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