
This dataset is for food texture prediction and includes measurement data of force, vibration, sound, moisture, and sensory evaluation data. The number of samples is 21 and the sample size is 10. First, a measurement system recorded the force, vibration, and sound pressure data during food compression. The moisture rate of food was also measured by a moisture meter. Second, signal processing reduced noise in the measurement data. This dataset includes the processed measurement data and template data. This dataset also has summarized sensory evaluation data of 10 participants.
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Herein, we constructed a finite element human eyeball model, encompassing a biophysically detailed retinal layer, optic nerve segment, and its surrounding tissues, as well as extraocular electrodes.A multi-conductivity 3D human eye model was constructed based on the AC/DC module in COMSOL Multiphysics. This model encompassed essential eye structures, such as the cornea, atria, lens, vitreous body (VB), retinal, choroid, sclera.
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The dataset presents user evaluations for itinerary recommendations generated with three algorithms, PP, PP+TS and PP+TP.
Users evaluated recommendations according to five properties:
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This file is a MagicDraw export demonstrating how to code for Monte Carlo simuation of activity diagrams. The activity diagram "Use Bicycle" has two nested algorithms.
The first nested diagram produces a pseuro-random integer for the number of bicycle shopping trips above and beyond 52, or once per week, from a discrete Weibull distribution arbitrarily chosen for demonstration only. The second nested diagram takes in that integer, adds it to 52, and cyclically simulates a bicycle shopping trip via one additioanl nested diagram.
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Dataset used to extract channel model parameters such as delay and Doppler from satellite passes. It has 100 user spread on Earth, and per user it is simulated 10 minutes of Starlink satellites passes, The information stored is the UE position, and the satellite speed and position in ECEF coordinates with 1 second of temporal resolution. It can be used to generate Doppler/delay curves to apply to a wireless channel model.
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The JKU-ITS AVDM contains data from 17 participants performing different tasks with various levels of distraction.
The data collection was carried out in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations and informed consent was obtained from all participants.
The dataset was collected using the JKU-ITS research vehicle with automated capabilities under different illumination and weather conditions along a secure test route within the
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The detailed linear trails of CHAM are given.
In each file, you can find a linear trail and the correlation of it.
In a file named "LT_CHAM_64_xR_y.txt", an x-round linear trail with correlation 2^{-y} of CHAM with a block size of 64 bits is given.
In total, there are 44 linear trails of CHAM with a block size of 64 bits.
In a file named "LT_CHAM_128_xR_y.txt", an x-round linear trail with correlation 2^{-y} of CHAM with a block size of 128 bits is given.
In total, there are 54 linear trails of CHAM with a block size of 128 bits.
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The source code includes the modified version of QuaDRiGa source code, the scritps that we developed to generate the layout and the channel and delay coefficients for the dual mobile space-ground links. We integrate a practical phenomenon in signal reception by employing both a LOS probability model and a state transition model which follows the semi-Markov approach.
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This study developed a piezo-driven dispenser for microelectronic packaging. The dispenser utilizes a rigid-flexible combined piezo-driven mechanism with a unilateral preloading feature, and the study examined how to estimate droplet volume. Firstly, a static model of the displacement transmission mechanism was established, and the transmission ratio was designed. Secondly, the droplet formation mechanism was studied, and the pressure change process during droplet distribution was simulated and analyzed.
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In this letter, a miniaturized and dual-stopband frequency selective surface(FSS) with a large band ratio(BR) is presented. This structure is composed of one metal layer and two dielectric layers and has excellent miniaturization characteristics. In particular, the unit size is only 0.054λ0 and the thickness is only 0.014λ0, where λ0 is the wavelength corresponding to the first resonant frequency. And there is only one layer of metal layer, which greatly reduces the processing complexity and cost.
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