dataset of social network analysis

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia written collaboratively by volunteers around the world. A small part of Wikipedia contributors are administrators, who are users with access to additional technical features that aid in maintenance. This gave us 2,794 elections with 103,663 total votes and 7,066 users participating in the elections (either casting a vote or being voted on). Out of these 1,235 elections resulted in a successful promotion, while 1,559 elections did not result in the promotion.
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Reddit is one of the largest social media websites in the world and it contains valuable data about its users and their perspectives organized into virtual communities or subreddits, based on common areas of interest. Substance use issues are particularly salient within this online community due to the burgeoning substance use (opioid) crisis within the United States among other countries. A particularly important location for understanding user perceptions of opioids is the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA region, due to the prevalence associated with overdose deaths. To collect user sen
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The compressed file contains:
- Data files in spreadsheet format from three different networks (friendship, companionship and acquaintances).
- Analysis files from UCINET, Pajek, Cytoscape and Gephi.
It is thus possible to corroborate the results mentioned in different studies that refer to these data.
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