Open Access
Dataset for "Review of MEMS for photonic integrated circuits": table for reported key figures

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Pierre Edinger
- Last updated:
- Thu, 09/19/2019 - 13:54
- DOI:
- 10.21227/fp2b-8b33
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
The following dataset summarizes key figures in reported photonic MEMS devices. The data was used to categorize devices, define and plot key figures of merit relevant to the field of photonic MEMS for scalable integrated circuits, as discussed in the invited review article "MEMS for Photonic Integrated Circuits".
#### ReadME_DatasetIEEE.txt
## Supporting data for submission: JSTQE-INV-SP2020-08126-2019 3
Description of excel file SiP_review_Qant_Data_SubmittedIEEE.xlsx, used to:
- categorize reported photonic MEMS devices in section II.
- compare, vizualize and discuss photonic MEMS figures of merits in section III.
Note: the excel file submitted is the same as the one used for the paper. Only some small text fixes in the Notes columns were done (typos, abbreviations)
Tab 1: "MatlabData"
List of papers included in section III, plus some additional papers only in section II (for which the devices could not be quantitatively discussed).
Data used for internal classification, and for script-based inclusion of paper reference number, device data and device type in plots.
A "Reference" : paper IDs used internally for the plotting scripts. Default format when exporting library from Zotero to bibLatex.
B "Reference number" : publication reference number in text.
C "DOI" : article DOI, when existing.
D "Notes device type" : Notes for internal classification of device type
E "Function" : Device type classification used in paper. See Tab 2, "Categories".
F "Geometry" : Device geometry classification used in paper. See Tab 2, "Categories".
G "Latching" : Latching boolean classification. See Tab 2,"Categories".
H "Actuation" : Actuation type classification used in paper. See Tab 2, "Categories".
I "Complexity" : Photonics compatibility scale used in paper. See Appendix C. 1 = High, 2 = Medium, 3 = Low, 4 = Very Low.
J "Notes on IL" : Notes for internal discussion on reported (or not) IL.
K "Estimate" : Boolean used for phase shifter plots to differentiate reported IL and IL calculated by us. See Appendix B. See Tab 3, "IL info".
L "IL[dB]" : Value used in plots for the Insertion Loss. If no value, IL was not reported, and could not be estimated based on reported data.
M "max PS[pi]" : Value used in phase shifter plots for maximum achieved phase shift. In some cases, the value was calculated by us, see Appendix A.
N "max V[V]" : Voltage reported that achieved maximum phase shift, maximum change in coupling, or switch state change.
O "L[um]" : Interaction length for phase shifters, used for Lpi figures.
P "ER[dB]" : Extinction ratio used for couplers and switches. If no value, it was not reported and could not be estimated from reported data.
Q "BW3dB[nm]" : Measured 3dB bandwidth for couplers and switches. If no value, it was not reported and could not be estimated from reported data.
R "Footprint[um2]" : Device footprint. When not stated in paper, we estimated it including necessary actuators/anchors. Ring resonators were seen as disks for the footprint of associated phase shifters, except when phase shifter is only a small portion of the ring.
S "Note" : Additional notes, either on achieved phase shift, interaction length, or Insertion Loss.
Tab 2: "Categories"
Tags used in Tab 1 for script-based classification of devices.
Tab 3: "IL info"
Additional tab for internal discussion on the reported Insertion Losses. Tab not used in scripts.
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