Open Access
Car Hacking: Attack & Defense Challenge 2020 Dataset
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Huy Kang Kim
- Last updated:
- Fri, 03/19/2021 - 23:25
- DOI:
- 10.21227/qvr7-n418
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This is the dataset provided and collected while "Car Hacking: Attack & Defense Challenge" in 2020. We are the main organizer of the competition along with Culture Makers and Korea Internet & Security Agency. We are very proud of releasing these valuable datasets for all security researchers for free.
The competition aimed to develop attack and detection techniques of Controller Area Network (CAN), a widely used standard of in-vehicle network. The target vehicle of competition was Hyundai Avante CN7.
Therefore, the dataset is a CAN network traffic of Avante CN7 including normal messages and attack messages. The dataset contains:
1) Preliminary round train/test dataset
2) Final round dataset of host's attack session
1. Description
Round | Type | Description | # Normal | # Attack | # Rows (Total) |
Preliminary | Training | Normal and four types of attacks dataset with class | 3,372,743 | 299,408 | 3,672,151 |
Submission | Normal and four types of attacks dataset with class (during the competition, without class) | 3,358,210 | 393,836 | 3,752,046 | |
Final | Submission | Normal and five attacks (4 spoofings, 1 fuzzing) dataset with class (during the competition, without class) | 1,090,312 | 179,998 | 1,270,310 |
Preliminary round contains two status of the vehicle -- S: Stationary, D: Driving.
In final round, only stationary status traffic was collected for safety reason.All csv files have same headers: Timestamp (logging time), Arbitration_ID (CAN identifier), DLC (data length code), Data (CAN data field), Class (Normal or Attack), and SubClass (attack type) of each CAN message.
2. Class
Normal: Normal traffic in CAN bus.
Attack: Attack traffic injected. Four types of attacks are included -- Flooding, Spoofing, Replay, Fuzzing.
Flooding: Flooding attack aims to consume CAN bus bandwidth by sending a massive number of messages.
Spoofing: CAN messages are injected to control certain desired function.
Replay: Replay attack is to extract normal traffic at a specific time and replay (inject) it into the CAN bus.
Fuzzing: Random messages are injected to cause unexpected behavior of the vehicle.
3. Acknowledgement
This work was supported by Institute for Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2020-0-00866, Challenges for next generation security R&D).
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Kindly provide the dataset
Provided ZIP seems to be missing:
"All csv files have same headers: Timestamp (logging time), Arbitration_ID (CAN identifier), DLC (data length code), Data (CAN data field), Class (Normal or Attack), and SubClass (attack type) of each CAN message." Can you please provide it?
You can download dataset(.zip) on the right side of this page.
Are there any problems with the files when you unzipped the ZIP file? When I downloaded it, there was no problem with the file.
You can download dataset(.zip) on the right side of this page.
Thank you Hyuajae, can see it now!
Thank you so much for this wonderful dataset, I hope you can add more attacks in the future.
The dataset download link does not work anymore.
Sorry for the late reply. It seems that the download link is working fine. Please be sure that download is available after you log in IEEE DataPort. (You should make an account, and it is free.)
what is menaing of D and S in file name in dataset.