Open Access
3D-FLARE DB: Two subjects
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Javier Galbally
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:21
- DOI:
- 10.21227/6wp4-9m22
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"The friction ridge pattern is a 3D structure which, in its natural state, is not deformed by contact with a surface''. Building upon this rather trivial observation, the present work constitutes a first solid step towards a paradigm shift in fingerprint recognition from its very foundations. We explore and evaluate the feasibility to move from current technology operating on 2D images of elastically deformed impressions of the ridge pattern, to a new generation of systems based on full-3D models of the natural nondeformed ridge pattern itself. There are already a small number of previous studies that have already started scratching the surface of 3D fingerprint recognition and that should not go overlooked. However, the vast majority of these few successful approaches published so far, are based on the reconstruction of fingerprints from multiple 2D images acquired with different lighting conditions (photometric stereo 3D reconstruction) or acquired from different angles (stereo vision 3D reconstruction). Such reconstruction methods lead in general to 2D fingerprints wrapped over the overall volume of the finger. These volumetric fingerprints have shown some promising performance, but still miss the real depth information of the ridge pattern, which, in the best case scenario, is coarsely estimated during the error-prone reconstruction process. In the present work we take one step further, directly acquiring for the first time in a consistent and repeatable manner, full-3D fingerprint models stored as point-clouds, where each point is defined by its [x; y; z] coordinates. This way, the 3D data is directly measured by the sensor, with no post-processing reconstruction stage required. The complete recognition system developed represents as well an alternative to traditional technology based on minutiae detection. It shows that image-based processing algorithms and descriptors can be successfully applied to the new full-3D data, reaching very competitive results and confirming the high distinctiveness of the model.
The present data release contains the data of 2 subjects of the 3D-FLARE DB.
These data is released as a sample of the complete database as these 2 subjects gave their specific consent for the distribution of their 3D fingerprint samples.
The acquisition system and the database are described in the article:
[ART1] J. Galbally, L. Beslay and G. Böstrom, "FLARE: A Touchless Full-3D Fingerprint Recognition System Based on Laser Sensing", IEEE ACCESS, vol. 8, pp. 145513-145534, 2020.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3014796.
We refer the reader to this article for any further details on the data.
This sample release contains the next folders:
- 1_rawData: it contains the 3D fingerprint samples as they were captured by the sensor describe in [ART1], with no processing. This folder includes the same 3D fingerprints in two different formats:
* MATformat: 3D fingerprints in MATLAB format
* PLYformat: 3D fingerprints in PLY format
- 2_processedData: it contains the 3D fingerprint samples after the two initial processing steps carried out before using the samples for recognition purposes. These files are in MATLAB format. This folder includes:
* 2a_Segmented: 3D fingerprints after being segemented according to the process described in Sect. V of [ART1]
* 2b_Detached: 3D fingerprints after being detached according to the process described in Sect. VI of [ART1]
The naming convention of the files is as follows: XXXX_AAY_SZZ
XXXX: 4 digit identifier for the user in the database
AA: finger identifier, it can take values: LI (Left Index), LM (Left Middle), RI (Right Index), RM (Right middle)
Y: sample number, with values 0 to 4
ZZ: acquisition speed, it can take values 10, 30 or 50 mm/sec
With the data files we also provide a series of example MATLAB scripts to visualise the 3D fingerprints:
We cannot guarantee the correct functioning of these scripts depending on the MATLAB version you are running.
Two videos of the 3D fingerprint scanner can be checked at:
Dataset Files (1.19 GB)
readplytomatrix.m (666 bytes)
showFilesPLYformat.m (1.77 kB)
showFilesRaw.m (1.24 kB)
showFilesSegmented.m (1.47 kB)
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