Open Access
Bitcoin Transaction Network Metadata (2011-2013)
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Omer Shafiq
- Last updated:
- Sun, 11/24/2019 - 08:27
- DOI:
- 10.21227/d6dx-m651
- Data Format:
- License:
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This dataset was created for research on blockchain anomaly and fraud detection. And donated to IEEE data port online community.
A directed-acyclic graph is created from the bitcoin transaction data and metadata is extracted to create this dataset.
- tx_hash: Hash of the bitcoin transaction.
- indegree: Number of transactions that are inputs of tx_hash
- outdegree: Number of transactions that are outputs of tx_hash.
- in_btc: Number of bitcoins on each incoming edge to tx_hash.
- out_btc: Number of bitcoins on each outgoing edge from tx_hash.
- total_btc: Net number of bitcoins flowing in and out from tx_hash.
- mean_in_btc: Average number of bitcoins flowing in for tx_hash.
- mean_out_btc: Average number of bitcoins flowing out for tx_hash.
- in-malicious: Will be 1 if the tx_hash is an input of a malicious transaction.
- out-malicious: Will be 1 if the tx_hash is an output of a malicious transaction.
- is-malicious: Will be 1 if the tx_hash is a malicious transaction.
- out_and_tx_malicious: Will be 1 if the tx_hash is a malicious transaction or an output of a malicious transaction.
- all_malicious: Will be 1 if the tx_hash is a malicious transaction or an output of a malicious transaction or input of a malicious transaction.
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Dataset Files
bitcoin_transactional_metadata.tar.gz (1.75 GB)
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How does it become a DAG? tx_hash only tells the hash of the transaction but not the nodes between which it happened.