Standard Dataset
Agora Source Signatures for the International Airgun Modelling Workshop

- Citation Author(s):
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- Last updated:
- Sun, 02/10/2019 - 11:23
- DOI:
- 10.21227/5081-yr65
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This dataset accompanies the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Special Issue on Verification and Validation of Airgun Source Signature and Sound Propagation Models. The special issue has is its origins in the International Airgun Modelling Workshop (IAMW) held in Dublin, Ireland, on 16 July 2016 (Ainslie et al., 2016). For a number of specified airgun scenarios, participants in the IAMW were asked to use their models to compute source waveforms s(t) corresponding to three airgun sources, including two airgun arrays, as well as sound pressure and sound particle acceleration at specified positions relative to the sources. IAMW participants were given the option of either running their own source signature model(s) or to use data produced by Agora 2 (Sertlek and Ainslie, 2015) and made available by the workshop organizers. Agora 2 is a freely available Matlab® program (www oalib).
Three sources, denoted S1, S2 and S3 are specified by Ainslie et al. (2019). S1 is a single airgun. S2 is a line array comprising six airguns, the third of which is the same airgun as S1. S3 is a planar array comprising three nominally parallel sub-arrays, the centre sub-array of which is the same as S2. This dataset provides the Agora 2 source waveforms (“notional signatures”) of the individual airguns for the three sources S1, S2 and S3.
1. M. A. Ainslie, M.B. Halvorsen, R.P.A. Dekeling, R. Laws, A.J. Duncan, A.S. Frankel, K.D. Heaney, E. T. Küsel, A.O. MacGillivray, M. K. Prior, H.Ö. Sertlek and D. G. Zeddies, Verification of airgun sound field models for environmental impact assessment, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 27, 070018,
2. M. A. Ainslie, R. Laws , H.Ö. Sertlek, International Airgun Modelling Workshop: Validation of Source Signature and Sound Propagation Models – Dublin (Ireland), 16 July 2016 – problem description, IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, 2019
3. Sertlek, H.Ö., and Ainslie, M.A., Airgun Source Model (AGORA): Its Application for Seismic Surveys SoundMaps in the Dutch North Sea, Proceedings of UACE 2015, Crete, Greece, 2015, available from, Last accessed 20.03.2018.
4., Last accessed 10.00.2019.
The dataset has the following files in the folders of S1, S2 and S3.
AgoraNotionalS1G1Sertlek20160627121902.txt : Notional signature for S1
AgoraNotionalS2G1Sertlek20160627121701.txt : Notional signature for the first airgun of S2
AgoraNotionalS2G2Sertlek20160627121701.txt : Notional signature for the second airgun of S2
AgoraNotionalS2G3Sertlek20160627121701.txt : Notional signature for the third airgun of S2
AgoraNotionalS2G4Sertlek20160627121701.txt : Notional signature for the fourth airgun of S2
AgoraNotionalS2G5Sertlek20160627121701.txt : Notional signature for the fifth airgun of S2
AgoraNotionalS2G6Sertlek20160627121701.txt : Notional signature for the sixth airgun of S2
AgoraNotionalS3G1Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the first airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G2Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the second airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G3Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the third airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G4Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the fourth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G5Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the fifth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G6Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the sixth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G7Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the seventh airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G8Sertlek20160627123819.txt : Notional signature for the eighth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G9Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the ninth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G10Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the tenth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G11Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the eleventh airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G12Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the twelfth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G13Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the thirteenth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G14Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the fourteenth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G15Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the fifteenth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G16Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the sixteenth airgun of S3
AgoraNotionalS3G17Sertlek20160627123820.txt : Notional signature for the seventeenth airgun of S3
Dataset Files
- This dataset provides the Agora 2 source waveforms (“notional signatures”) of the individual airguns for the three sources S1, S (1.74 MB)
- Matlab routine for reading and plotting the data files Plot_signatures_IAMW2016.m (1.82 kB)