Standard Dataset
Bistatic MIMO Radar Sensing of Specularly Reflecting Surfaces for Wireless Power Transfer
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Benjamin Deutschmann
- Last updated:
- Tue, 08/22/2023 - 07:41
- DOI:
- 10.1109/ICASSPW59220.2023.10193617
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
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Bistatic MIMO Radar Sensing
This dataset includes the synthetic aperture measurement data and code accompanying the publication "Bistatic MIMO Radar Sensing of Specularly Reflecting Surfaces for Wireless Power Transfer" [1].
The measurement data VNA_20220722_232002_XETS_reduced.mat includes a channel matrix R acquired with a synthetic aperture measurement testbed described in [2] and [3].
Measured were Nf=1000 frequency steps in a band from 3-10GHz of the scattering parameter S21 between a synthetic 51-ULA with antenna positions saved in the file ULA.mat and a synthetic (13x13)-URA with antenna positions saved in the file URA.mat.
The file XETSantennaCharacterization.mat holds antenna gains of an XETS antenna [4] characterized in an anechoic chamber. XETS antennas were used on both the ULA (oriented towards the negative x-direction) and on the URA (oriented towards the positive x-direction).
These data have been used to perform ultra-wideband (UWB) bistatic radar imaging and wireless power transfer (WPT).
Our implementation is provided in MAIN_wall_detection.mat. We invite readers to look at the tasks we have solved with the given dataset in [1] and encourage them to implement their own methods.
To use the dataset, it is sufficient to load the respective data files. It is not necessary to run any scripts, however, the first sections in MAIN_wall_detection.mat may provide some guidance on how the data may be used.
Load the .mat-files in Matlab using the load(<filename>) command. Each file contains data that can be used to perform bistatic MIMO radar imaging:
VNA_20220722_232002_XETS_reduced.mat: Contains a (Nf x M x N) matrix R holding Nf MIMO channel matrices of dimensions (M x N) and an Nf-vector frequencies holding the frequency-domain steps in the band 3-10GHz.
ULA.mat: Contains a struct ULA holding the center of gravity position p of the ULA in global coordinates and a (3xM) matrix pm of antenna positions relative to p.
URA.mat: Contains a struct URA with three N-vectors xv, xv, and zv, holding the positions of the ULA antennas in global coordinates.
XETSantennaCharacterization.mat: Contains a struct antennaCharacterization holding the measured Gain of an XETS antenna [4] as a function of spherical coordinates Phi and Theta, and the Frequency. Note that the characterization is valid only for the ULA-side, where an absorber is mounted on the "backside" of the antenna which effectively removes the rear-lobe facing the wall. Polarization vectors were aligned with the z-axis. Measurement reference planes are located at the antenna ports after calibration - the antennas can be de-embedded by accounting for an electrical length of approx. 40cm (i.e., 20cm on both the TX and RX side).
(Unpublished work will appear under .)
[1] B. J.B. Deutschmann, M. Graber, T. Wilding and K. Witrisal, "Bistatic MIMO Radar Sensing of Specularly Reflecting Surfaces for Wireless Power Transfer," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW), 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICASSPW59220.2023.10193617.
[2] REINDEER Project, “Propagation characteristics and channel models for RadioWeaves including reflectarrays,” Deliverable ICT-52-2020 / D1.2, 2023 (unpublished).
[3] REINDEER Project, “System design study for energy-neutral devices interacting with the RadioWeaves infrastructure,” Deliverable ICT-52-2020 / D4.1, 2023 (unpublished).
[4] J. R. Costa, C. R. Medeiros, and C. A. Fernandes, “Performance of a crossed exponentially tapered slot antenna for UWB systems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1345–1352, May 2009.
Dataset Files
- VNA measurements VNA_20220722_232002_XETS_reduced.mat (122.58 MB)
- XETS antenna gain pattern XETSantennaCharacterization.mat (33.66 MB)
- URA antenna positions URA.mat (470 bytes)
- (AUX: precomputed results) alphas_highres.mat (1.78 MB)
- (AUX: precomputed results) alphas_DUAL_US.mat (1.78 MB)
- (AUX: custom colorbar) cmap_interp.mat (4.07 kB)
- ULA antenna positions ULA.mat (537 bytes)
- (AUX: function) computeGain.m (4.00 kB)
- (AUX: function) rangeAzimuthElevation.m (200 bytes)
- (AUX: function) evaluatePGVsPhis.m (342 bytes)
- MAIN script accompanying the publication MAIN_wall_detection.m (25.46 kB)
Attachment | Size |
7.27 MB |
A preprint of the paper is now available on arXiv.