Ultra-wideband (UWB)

In ultra-wideband optical transmission covering S, C, and L bands, the inter-channel stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) leads to additional power loss in the S band. This loss can be compensated by either lumped amplifiers (Thulium-doped fibre amplifiers) or distributed Raman amplification (DRA).
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we propose a novel Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) identification and error-mitigation method for dynamic object positioning and ultra-wideband (UWB) ranging. By applying inverse estimation on known Anchor Points (Aps) and improved unscented Kalman filter (IRUKF), the proposed technology identifies and compensates for NLOS occlusions between tag and APs, reducing positioning errors. The approach has been verified through simulation and experiment, with identification precision of 97.02%.
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This dataset contains the measurement in an ultrawide band (UWB) system in the 6.5 GHz band, considering the presence of the human body as the only obstacle. There are measurements in line-of-sight condition to compare the results of the analysis performed. The measurements are part of our research on the adverse effects of the body shadowing in pedestrian localization systems.
The UWB system has four fixed terminals and one mobile terminal. The mobile terminal is worn on the chest of the person.
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This dataset is made of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) data collected in 9 different environments in Ghent city, Belgium. These environments include:
1. Fourth floor at iGent Tower in the premises of Gent University
2. Zwijnaarde Open Area
3. Stadhuis Street and Nearby
4. Zuid Mall
5. Portus Ganda
6. Sint-Pieters Railway Station
7. Krook library
8. Citadel Park
9. Graffiti Straat
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