Energy-storage-equipped static synchronous compensators (E-STATCOM) are crucial devices in a modern

power grid to regulate both the active and reactive power, thereby improving the efficiency and power

quality. Current controllers commonly used with E-STATCOM devices include proportional-integral (PI),

repetitive, and deadbeat controllers. However, each has application-dependent restrictions and therefore lack

the ability to achieve optimal operation. This paper presents a novel hybrid current controller that combines


This dataset is in support of proposal(initially submitted to Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in the year 2017) and 4 Research papers- Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part I , Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part II ,  Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part III and Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA
