Power Engineering

This dataset holds the Simulink model and the main output results during a day of a PV/T Hybrid Solar Panel from the Department of Power Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau. The obtained results including electrical and thermal efficiency are compared with the performances of a real PV/T System.

The dataset is related to the data used in an article under review sent to the Machines – an Open Access Journal from MDPI (Q2, IF=2.6).


This dataset contains (1) the Simulink model of a three-phase photovoltaic power system with passive anti-islanding protections like over/under current (OUC), over/under voltage (OUV), over/under frequency (OUF), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and dc-link voltage and (2) the results in the voltage source converter and the point of common coupling of the photovoltaic system during islanding operation mode and detection times of analyzed anti-islanding methods.


Research on Optimizing the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the Electrical Power Systems

In this project one model the photovoltaic and wind power sources in order to analyze how to optimally integrate them in the electrical power systems. Integration requirements like transient regimes associated with fault occurrence, identification of the electrical power systems responsible for disturbances, and optimization of the integration are focus points of the research.
