parameter estimation

This dataset includes balanced and unbalanced measurements from a 1.5 Hp asymmetrical six-phase induction machine that can be used for parameter estimation and dynamic modelling.
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This dataset contains two subjects. The first one is a Matlab App created for PMSMs (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors) parameters estimation, both in the electrical and in the mechanical energetic domains. The second one is a generalized PMSM Simulink superblock equipped with a user-friendly interface allowing to select options and to input the model parameters. The Matlab App and the PMSM superblock can be easily interfaced with each other.
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This data set is shared to help the readers to reproduce the results (Figure 5 and Figure 6) of the manuscript entitled ‘’Online System Identification of a Fuel Cell Stack with Guaranteed Stability for Energy Management Applications’’ published by IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.
If you use this data, please cite the following paper :
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A comparison of designs obtained by statistical and deterministic methods is being carried out. Points that are difficult to address in the statistical approaches are considered. A formulation of a regularized solution to experimental design is described in detail. The peculiarities of the optimal design for three types of regressions are revealed. The main factors that govern the estimation errors are determined.
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