Numerical Optimization

This document is a supplementary file to the our article entitled “A Wireless Charging System Based on a DR-IPT to Power a UAV from Distribution Poles” which is published in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications journal. This documents presents the result dataset regarding the optimizations performed to determine optimum parameters for domino resonant inductive power transfer system under several case studies.


<p>Numerical comparison serves as a major tool in evaluating the performance of optimization algorithms, especially nondeterministic algorithms, but existing methods may suffer from a ‘cycle ranking’ paradox and/or a ‘survival of the nonfittest paradox. This paper searches for paradox-free data analysis methods for numerical comparison. It is discovered that a class of sufficient conditions exist for designing paradox-free analysis. Rigorous modeling and deduction are applied to a class of profile methods employing a filter.


An example of the implementation of the SCQP method using the lin operator is included in the file. This file details an optimal control problem involving an inverted pendulum, solved with the sequential convex quadratic programming (SCQP) method, and is based on the example presented in the publication: R. Verschueren, N. van Duijkeren, R. Quirynen, M. Diehl, Moritz, "Exploiting Convexity in Direct Optimal Control: A Sequential Convex Quadratic Programming Method," Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 1099 - 1104.
