Algorithm Complexity; graph theory; optimization

Two Approaches to Constructing Certified Dominating Sets in Social Networks: R Script Description

This script implements and analyzes various algorithms for graph processing, focusing on domination problems, including double domination and certified dominating sets.

Script Overview

The script generates tree graphs, calculates certified dominating sets using ApproxCert and other algorithms, and evaluates their performance in terms of execution time and results. Results are saved in a CSV file for further analysis.


Single-source shortest path (SSSP) discovery, one of a shortest path problem in algorithmic graph theory, is a combinatorial optimization problem. Most propositions solving the SSSP problem rely on Dijkstra’s algorithm. Although theoretically inferior in asymptotic upper bound time complexity, Dijkstra’s algorithm Binary variant outperforms Fibonacci variant empirically, in SSSP computations for real-world datasets, especially on sparse input graphs.
