Standard Dataset
Scene-Level Sketches for Semantic Segmentation
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Ce Ge
- Last updated:
- Wed, 05/25/2022 - 04:22
- DOI:
- 10.21227/bq1e-hv91
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
- License:
- Categories:
This publication contains three new datasets for scene-level sketch semantic segmentation task, namely SKY-Scene, TUB-Scene, and Freehand-Scene. SKY-Scene and TUB-Scene are synthetic datasets, where the scene layout templates were extracted from dataset SketchyScene, and the object components were adopted from dataset Sketchy. They are composed to include more sketch-specific characteristics, e.g., sparsity, abstractness, and diversity, to truly evaluate segmentation performance. Freehand-Scene are fifty real human-drawn scene sketches for practical test.
SKY-Scene and TUB-Scene can be used to train, validate, and test models, whereas Freehand-Scene are collected for model testing.
After unzipping or, there are three folders (train, val, and test) and two files (colorMap.mat and colorMap.txt). Under each folder, DRAWING_GT contains the input sketch, while CLASS_GT is the annotated semantic ground-truth. The files colorMap.mat and colorMap.txt record the class-to-color mapping; they contain the same thing but with different format.
After unzipping, there is one folder test and two files colorMap.mat and colorMap.txt. Under folder test, DRAWING_GT contains the input sketch, while CLASS_GT is the annotated semantic ground-truth. The files colorMap.mat and colorMap.txt record the class-to-color mapping; they contain the same thing but with different format. This dataset is used for model evaluation.
Dataset Files
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