EEG and Empatica E4 Signals - Five Minute P300 Test and FAS Scores

Citation Author(s):
Mauricio Adolfo
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Jorge de Jesús
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Submitted by:
Mauricio Ramire...
Last updated:
Mon, 04/26/2021 - 02:04
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Reliable fatigue assessment is desired in many different fields and environments. An efficient fatigue evaluation tool is promising in reducing fatal errors and economic loss in industrial settings. This dataset contains electroencephalographic (EEG) signals obtained
from an 8-channel OpenBCI headset, as well as biometric measurements obtained from the Empatica E4 wristband. Signals obtained from the E4 include: Photopletismography (PPG), heart rate, inter-beat interval (IBI), skin temperature and Electrodermic Activity
(EDA). The signals were measured during a five-minute recording composed by a 30 seconds measurement of Eyes Closed, 30 seconds of Eyes Open, and 4 minutes of an Auditory Oddball task to elicit P300 waveforms. Prior to the recordings, volunteers answered
a FAS questionnaire to provide information about their fatigue states. All volunteers provided written consent to publish their data for research purposes.

The files in this database are in .mat format, inside a .zip.

Two folders are inside the .zip: EEG and E4.

·       EEG contains:

1. Processed EEG signals from 14 participants. The following processing was performed: 1-100 Hz bandpass, 4th order butterworth filter + Artifact Subspace Reconstruction (ASR) algorithm (k =15).

S01R01.mat, S02R01.mat, S05R01.mat, S06R01.mat, S07R01.mat, S08R01.mat, S09R01.mat, S011R01.mat, S012R01.mat, S013R01.mat, S014R01.mat, S015R01.mat, S016R01.mat, S017R01.mat.

Each .mat contains five matrices:

Acc: Accelerometer data from the Open BCI headset.

Samples: EEG data (8 channels) from the Open BCI headset.

Srate: Sampling rate of EEG and Accelerometer data from the Open BCI headset (250 Hz)

Stim: Stimulus codes (obtained from OpenVibe) showing the time in seconds (first column), and the type of stimuli (second column). The four main type of stimuli represent: Eyes Open start (276), Eyes Closed start (277), Frequent Stimuli (33025) and Non Frequent Stimuli (33026).

Time: Contains the time (in seconds) for every measurement in Samples and Acc.

2.       FAS SCORES.mat

Which contains the FAS scores, a 17 element vector with the FAS scores from participants 1 to 17. Column 1 shows the total FAS score of Volunteer1, Column 2 of Volunteer 2, and so on.


·       E4 contains:

1.       Unprocessed E4 signals from 11 participants:

S01R01.mat, S02R01.mat, S05R01.mat, S06R01.mat, S011R01.mat, S012R01.mat, S013R01.mat, S014R01.mat, S015R01.mat, S016R01.mat, S017R01.mat.

Each .mat contains five matrices:

ACC: Accelerometer data from the Empatica E4.

BVP: Blood Volume Pulse data from the Empatica E4.

EDA: Electrodermic Activity from the Empatica E4.

HR: Heart Rate (obtained from the Empatica E4 using the BVP signal).

IBI: Inter-beat interval (obtained from the Empatica E4 using the BVP signal).

SRates: Sampling Rates of the ACC, BVP, EDA, HR, IBI and TEMP variables from the Empatica E4.

TEMP: Skin Temperature from the Empatica E4.


2.       FAS SCORES.mat

Which contains the FAS scores, a 17 element vector with the FAS scores from participants 1 to 17. Column 1 shows the total FAS score of Volunteer1, Column 2 of Volunteer 2, and so on.



Submitted by Jiahao Sun on Wed, 12/15/2021 - 00:18