Standard Dataset
ALL-IDB (Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia-International Database)

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- ishfaq sheikh
- Last updated:
- Thu, 10/15/2020 - 06:46
- DOI:
- 10.21227/pm77-2n23
- Data Format:
- Links:
- License:
- Categories:
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ALL-IDB (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) Image Database for Image Processing
ALL-IDB dataset comprises of two subsets among them one subset has 260 segmented lymphocytes of them 130 belongs to the leukaemia and the remaining 130 belongs to the non leukaemuia class it requires only classification. second subset has around 108 non segmented blood images that belongs to the leukaemia and non leukaemia groups thus requires segmentation and classification.
the format of the dataset content as given by the original authors is depicted below.
The ALL-IDB1 image files are named with the notation ImXXX_Y.jpg where XXX is a 3-digit integer counter and Y is a boolean digit equal to 0 is no blast cells are present, and equal to 1 if at least one blast cell is present in the image. Please note that all images labeled with Y=0 are from for healthy individuals, and all images labeled with Y=1 are from ALL patients. Each image file ImXXX_Y.jpg is associated with a text file ImXXX_Y.xyc reporting the coordinates of the centroids of the blast cells, if any.
Further information is available here
How do I access the dataset?