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In this research, a newly modified UNet (Fast-UNet) was implemented to segment winter wheat from time series Sentinel-2 images for the years 2021 and 2023. These images were converted to NDVI and utilized to identify wheat fields by tracking the wheat phenology from sowing to harvesting. The main satellite image that was used in this research was Sentinel-2. It is considered important, and free optical remote sensing satellite data is provided by the European Space Agency (ESA). Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B were launched in June 2015 and March 2017, respectively.
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MODI script is one of the oldest written formsofmedia.Mostoftheearlywrittenknowledgeonsubjectslikemedicine, Buddhist ideology, food habits and horoscope has been written using MODI script. MODI Script was in use during Yadavas to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Era for writing administrative and government documents. Further, during Peshawas era, MODI Script was extensively used. Even during British rule, MODI Script uses are found. It started to diminish the use of MODI Script from 1960 onwards.
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This is a unique energy-aware navigation dataset collected at the Canadian Space Agency’s Mars Emulation Terrain (MET) in Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada. It consists of raw and post-processed sensor measurements collected by our rover in addition to georeferenced aerial maps of the MET (colour mosaic, elevation model, slope and aspect maps). The data are available for download in human-readable format and rosbag (.bag) format. Python data fetching and plotting scripts and ROS-based visualization tools are also provided.
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