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Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Job Title: 
Research Professor
Short Bio: 
e-mail:, Research Professor Electrical Engineer Program Autonomous University of Nuevo León Education Autonomous University of Nuevo León, N.L., México 1997-2002 thesis topic: Theoretical analysis and development of algorithms for adaptive overcurrent relay CV. Condensed information Research Projects It has led seven research projects with private and government institutions, which highlights three projects with federal funding through academic bodies for research in power grids. The accumulated amount is: $ 850,752.00 dls The most relevant amounts are: Government Funds: $ 457,121 dls, Industry Funds: $ 359,939.00 Academic Activities In the academic field he is author or coauthor of 28 Thompson Reuters Index, authored over 50 papers in national and international congress, author of a book of springer editorial, two patents and three book chapters. Industrial projects Has developed 15 industrial projects and 71 training courses conducted for the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) and another utility in Central and South America in countries like Peru, Panama, Dominican Republic, Venezuela y Guatemala. Training of high-level human resources Dr. Conde has directed 6 doctoral theses, 13 MSc graduate thesis, and 3 undergraduate Thesis. Professional Memberships IEEE Power Engineering Society, Senior member National Research System Conacyt, Mexico Interests His research is about the protection and power quality of power systems, with areas of relay design, application of adaptive protection in transmission and distribution systems and on-line applications through distributed management systems of smart grids.

Datasets & Competitions


These data are complementary to the paper: " New Proposed Overcurrent Relay Coordination
for Microgrid Protection"




The uploaded data file is a part of data used or generated by a real time security system for frequency control in electrical grids with variable renewable generation proposed in a paper entitled: “Dynamic regulation in electrical networks with non-controlled sources”. The proposed security system analyzes the electrical network in both steady-state and dynamic state. The test systems IEEE 39-bus were used adding wind generation models to evaluate the proposed security system.



