First Name: 
Last Name: 
Lopez Valcarcel
Universidade de Vigo

Datasets & Competitions

In this dataset, 4 radio channel measurements at 28 GHz are presented. These have been captured in two different spots of a highway with a fixed Tx and a mobile Rx onboard a car, emulating a V2I link. The Tx was placed both on the roadside (3 measurement runs) and on an overpass (1 measurement). Each run consists of around 4.29 s of continuously captured channel impulse responses (CIRs), with a channel sampling period of 65 μs and a delay resolution of 2 ns.


In the attached dataset, a continuous record of 2493 chirp-sequence FMCW radar burst is presented. The data consist of the direct ADC output of an AWR1443BOOST radar board from Texas Instruments during 47.37 s of continuous operation. During this time, two FMCW radars of the model AWR1642BOOST were continuously transmitting sweeps with its main lobe aimed towards the first radar. This produces the apparition of two different uncorrelated interferences at the victim radar side, which can be seen on different indexes of the provided capture.
