Artificial Intelligence
This dataset contains a collection of videos consisting of satellite imagery augmented with 3D ship models, accompanied by the ships' corresponding AIS data. The intention of this dataset is for detecting dark ships, which are sea vessels acting maliciously, often while spoofing their AIS data. Multiple datasets exist that consist of satellite imagery of ships, however this dataset has the advantage of including each ships' corresponding AIS data. The simulated ships include both normal and anomalous behavior, whether the anomalous behavior is benign or malicious.
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Recently, surface electromyogram (EMG) has been proposed as a novel biometric trait for addressing some key limitations of current biometrics, such as spoofing and liveness. The EMG signals possess a unique characteristic: they are inherently different for individuals (biometrics), and they can be customized to realize multi-length codes or passwords (for example, by performing different gestures).
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To ensure the usability and reliability of the collected data, one Hikvision monitoring camera (iDS-TCV900-AE/25) is deployed at the entrance of Taijia Expressway in Shanxi province in China for image capturing. This camera is installed on the roadside pole with a height of 5.8 meters and uses the infrared flash as the supplementary lighting. The captured images cover two lanes of the expressway, with the resolution being 4096*2160. All images are captured during the period of November 2019 to April 2020.
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These medical texts data are derived from the patients' real disease cases, including the patients' diseases, symptoms and other information
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This dataset is used in the experiment of the paper "A Data Embedding Scheme for Efficient Program Behavior Modeling with Neural Networks" accepted by IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI). System calsl and their relevant branch sequences are contained in the tar.gz file. For a detailed description, please refer to the paper.
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Tweets related to 10 different types of disasters were monitored from 28 September 2021 till 6 October 2021. 67528 rows containing 16 fields were extracted using Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Services of Microsoft.
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Drought has become one of the main challenges facing global agricultural production and crop safety. Drought stress will lead to the termination of crop photosynthesis and metabolic disorders, which will seriously affect the growth and development of crops. We aimed to study a method for identificaton of the drought stress in tomato seedlings using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. In this study, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and there corresponding chlorophyll fluorescence images of 4 different drought stress levels were collected.
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Sed vitae dui libero. Ut turpis nisl, bibendum a cursus congue, iaculis ac ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed nec feugiat lacus. Quisque efficitur mattis blandit. Fusce feugiat condimentum facilisis. Mauris a consectetur magna. Pellentesque eleifend lacus nec malesuada facilisis. In et convallis massa. Ut tempor, lectus vel tincidunt lobortis, augue justo commodo velit, at congue mi augue vel nisi. Donec sit amet lorem ut felis mattis vehicula ut at felis. Curabitur non nisl ex. Nam venenatis augue ut dui mollis, eu volutpat leo varius.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget elit sollicitudin, molestie sem non, sodales purus. Pellentesque sagittis hendrerit fermentum. Nam at metus vel mi molestie luctus sit amet at diam. Morbi vitae diam tristique, tincidunt orci eu, feugiat odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor enim lacinia vulputate pellentesque. Morbi ac arcu ut nisi aliquam venenatis nec ut diam. Donec viverra est lacus, in volutpat neque tempor vitae. Vestibulum sollicitudin malesuada convallis. Donec ultricies mi eu lacus finibus dignissim.
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Hello world
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