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This dataset consists of raw EEG data from 48 subjects who participated in a multitasking workload experiment utilizing the SIMKAP multitasking test. The subjects’ brain activity at rest was also recorded before the test and is included as well. The Emotiv EPOC device, with sampling frequency of 128Hz and 14 channels was used to obtain the data, with 2.5 minutes of EEG recording for each case. Subjects were also asked to rate their perceived mental workload after each stage on a rating scale of 1 to 9 and the ratings are provided in a separate file.


Because of the demand for seamless indoor and outdoor positioning of mass market applications, several simple and efficient pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) systems have been introduced. However, the performance of PDR system would significantly decrease with the increase of recursion time, due to the influence of sensors and model error. This paper discusses the overview of pedestrian navigation system and the implementation of key techniques of PDR, then proposes an improved PDR system with precise displacement estimation based on time-differenced carrier phase (TDCP) technique.
