The integration of uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs)

with fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks has been a prominent

research focus in recent years and continues to attract significant

interest in the context of sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks.

UAVs can serve as aerial wireless platforms to provide on-demand

coverage, mobile edge computing, and enhanced sensing and

communication services. However, UAV-assisted networks present

new opportunities and challenges due to the inherent size, weight,


Although Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have long been recognized as systems to effectively deliver advanced and innovative services, their practical application to Beyond Line-of-Sight (BLOS) use cases is still largely missing due to safety concerns and regulations. Indeed, BLOS applications for UAVs require a reliable infrastructure that is capable of ensuring ubiquitous connectivity, low latency, and high data rates.


Extensive use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is expected to raise privacy and security concerns among individuals and
communities. In this context, detection and localization of UAVs will be critical for maintaining safe and secure airspace in the
future. In this work, Keysight N6854A radio frequency (RF) sensors are used to detect and locate a UAV by passively monitoring
the signals emitted from the UAV. First, the Keysight sensor detects the UAV by comparing the received RF signature with various
