microphone array; direction of arrival; room impulse response; acoustics; audio

This dataset consists of room impulse responses from a waste container recorded at different fill levels. The data were captured (Mic.: MAX4466) with a length of 4096 samples at a sampling rate of 10 kHz. A sine sweep was utilized between 2048 and 3072 samples. Spectral subtraction preprocessing was applied to enhance the data clarity, utilizing a 1024-sample segment recorded prior to the sine sweep. The calculated RIR begins at sample 3072. Folder names within the dataset correspond to the fill levels of the waste container.


 The data set contains 152 measurements of room impulse responses for direction of arrival estimation, using a compact three-channel microphone array. Sources are placed at 10-degree intervals from -90 to 90 degrees in the azimuth plane at range 150 cm. There are also 5 off-grid measurement positions and 6 off-range positions - at ranges 1 m, 2 m, 2.5 m and 3 m. The measurements are performed in a furnished classroom, which is approximately rectangular and of dimensions 9 x 6 x 3 m. The reverberation time is 0.4 s.
