image processing; computer vision; eye-tracking; visual attention

42 stimulus pictures are presented separately on the screen in the same sequences for all participants, including landscapes, people, social scenes and composite pictures. The eye tracker records the participants' gaze data on the stimulus pictures. Based on the gaze fixation position and duration, the fixation map could be visualized. We applies a 2-d convolution with a gauss filter on the fixation maps to get the visual heatmaps. The participants consist of schizophrenic patients and healthy controls.


ETFP (Eye-Tracking and Fixation Points) consists of two eye-tracking datasets: EToCVD (Eye-Tracking of Colour Vision Deficiencies) and ETTO (Eye-Tracking Through Objects). The former is a collection of images, their corresponding eye-movement coordinates and the fixation point maps, obtained by involving two cohorts, respectively, people with and without CVD (Colour Vision Deficiencies). The latter collects images with just one object laying on a homogeneous background, the corresponding eye-movement coordinates and fixation point maps gathered during eye-tracking sessions.
