Time series forecasting

The dataset represents the input data on which the article Bayesian CNN-BiLSTM and Vine-GMCM Based Probabilistic Forecasting of Hour-Ahead Wind Farm Power Outputs, is based. The data consist of a two-year hourly time series of measured wind speed and direction, air density, and production of two wind farms (WTs) in Croatia (Bruška and Jelinak). In addition to the two listed WTs, measurements of two nearby WTs (Glunca and Zelengrad) are also attached in training files (these WPPs are not directly analyzed in the article).
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Time series univariate
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This MATLAB dataset (.mat) contains the collected real measurement data from a total of 470 access points (APs) deployed in the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu, Finland. The measurements include IDs, dates of data collection, number of users, received traffic data, transmitted traffic data and location names of each AP. Each observation of traffic data and number of users provide the data value at every 10-minute interval between December 18, 2018 and February 12, 2019. Please cite this as: S. P. Sone & Janne Lehtomäki & Zaheer Khan.
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