Drive test measurements
The Berlin V2X dataset offers high-resolution GPS-located wireless measurements across diverse urban environments in the city of Berlin for both cellular and sidelink radio access technologies, acquired with up to 4 cars over 3 days. The data enables thus a variety of different ML studies towards vehicle-to-anything (V2X) communication.
The data includes information on:
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This dataset provides wireless measurements from two industrial testbeds: iV2V (industrial Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and iV2I+ (industrial Vehicular-to-Infrastructure plus sensor).
iV2V covers 10h of sidelink communication scenarios between 3 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), while iV2I+ was conducted for around 16h at an industrial site where an autonomous cleaning robot is connected to a private cellular network.
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Drive test measurements of deployed LTE base stations located at and around the campus of The Technical Unversity of Denmark. Metrics of signal quality are obtained using TSMW equipment with a vehicle driving around the area. In addition to the radio measurements, a GNSS receiver is utilized for additional localization metrics. Approximate altitude information is provided by the GNSS.
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