
The dataset consists of 60285 character image files which has been randomly divided into 54239 (90%) images as training set 6046 (10%) images as test set. The collection of data samples was carried out in two phases. The first phase consists of distributing a tabular form and asking people to write the characters five times each. Filled-in forms were collected from around 200 different individuals in the age group 12-23 years. The second phase was the collection of handwritten sheets such as answer sheets and classroom notes from students in the same age group.


A benchmark dataset is always required for any classification or recognition system. To the best of our knowledge, no benchmark dataset exists for handwritten character recognition of Manipuri Meetei-Mayek script in public domain so far. Manipuri, also referred to as Meeteilon or sometimes Meiteilon, is a Sino-Tibetan language and also one of the Eight Scheduled languages of Indian Constitution. It is the official language and lingua franca of the southeastern Himalayan state of Manipur, in northeastern India.
