Open Access
Plantar Thermogram Database for the Study of Diabetic Foot Complications
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Hayde Peregrina...
- Last updated:
- Thu, 12/12/2019 - 13:41
- DOI:
- 10.21227/tm4t-9n15
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The presented database contains thermal images (thermograms) of the plantar region. The database was obtained from 122 subjects with a diabetes diagnosis (DM group) and 45 non-diabetic subjects (control group). The relevance of this database consists in to study how the temperature is distributed in the plantar region of both groups and how their differences can be measured. Previous reports in the literature have established that an increase in the plantar temperature is associated with a higher ulceration risk. Therefore, it is important to study how the thermal changes in the plantar region occur and how they can be measured in order to develop new diagnostic support tools that help the medical expert to take preventive actions. The thermogram database was obtained from 122 diabetic and 45 non-diabetic subjects. Extra information about the analysis of the thermograms for diabetic foot complications can be founded in the scientific reports of the corresponding author link.
The files are organized in folders with unique nomenclature: two letters to indicate the group (CG for the control group and DM for the diabetic group), three digits to number the folder and the last letter indicating the subject gender (male (M) or female (F)). In each folder, thermograms of the left and right foot (*.png) are provided separately following the same name of the folder plus a letter indicating L (left) or R (right) foot, e. g. CG001_F_L.png. RGB thermograms are only illustrative since these do not contain direct temperature information but they provide a thermal map by using a false-color palette. For obtaining the temperature value associated with each pixel refer to the corresponding *.csv file (e. g. CG001_F_L.csv). You can graph the *.csv file as an image and use any other color palette for visualizing the temperature map. The plantar analysis made in the associated work (same name of the database in IEEE Access Journal) and in other associated works (refer to the corresponding author link) have used the angiosome division of the plantar region. Then in each folder, there is a subfolder containing four images (*.png and *.csv) that correspond to the four plantar angiosomes of each foot. The same nomenclature is used with the inclusion of three letters at the end, indicating the angiosome LCA, LPA, MCA and MPA (e. g. CG001_F_L_MPA.csv) [1-2]. For each subject, the database contains 20 files, (10 *.png images and 10 *.csv files), for a total of 1670 RGB images and 1670 temperature files. The database is expected to provide a valuable source to increase research about the potential of infrared thermography for the early diagnosis of diabetic foot problems [3-4], allowing the development of more powerful techniques. The script generate_thermogram.m (MATLAB) is provided for generating a 3D visualization of the data. Some related works are listed below:
[1] Peregrina-Barreto, H., Morales-Hernandez, L. A., Rangel-Magdaleno, J. J., Avina-Cervantes, J. G., Ramirez-Cortes, J. M., & Morales-Caporal, R. (2014). Quantitative estimation of temperature variations in plantar angiosomes: a study case for diabetic foot. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2014.
[2] Hernandez-Contreras, D., Peregrina-Barreto, H., Rangel-Magdaleno, J., Gonzalez-Bernal, J. A., & Altamirano-Robles, L. (2017). A quantitative index for classification of plantar thermal changes in the diabetic foot. Infrared Physics & Technology, 81, 242-249.
[3] Hernandez-Contreras, D., Peregrina-Barreto, H., Rangel-Magdaleno, J., & Gonzalez-Bernal, J. (2016). Narrative review: Diabetic foot and infrared thermography. Infrared Physics & Technology, 78, 105-117.
[4] Hernandez-Contreras, D. A., Peregrina-Barreto, H., Rangel-Magdaleno, J. D. J., & Orihuela-Espina, F. (2019). Statistical Approximation of Plantar Temperature Distribution on Diabetic Subjects Based on Beta Mixture Model. IEEE Access, 7, 28383-28391.
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Buenas tardes Autores, podran informarme de con que paleta de colores se tomaron las muestras o thermogramas de los pies?