Open Access
Multitouch Pressure Sensing with Soft Optical Time-of-Flight Sensors
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Ji-Tzuoh Lin
- Last updated:
- Mon, 07/26/2021 - 09:21
- DOI:
- 10.21227/fhrg-hv74
- License:
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- Keywords:
This paper reports on optical time-of-flight as a detection mode for soft optical deformation sensors. In this work, low-cost miniature light detection and ranging (LiDAR) chips recently developed for consumer mobile device applications perform real-time optical reflectometry at cm scales in soft optical waveguide networks. Our methodscomplement existing work by capturing spatial information that is lost with amplitude-only measurements. We demonstrate its application in a multitouch button system capable of extracting displacement values from soft optical switches with average error in the range of 100-200 microns on 1.5 mm of switch travel. Because making reliable electronic connections to soft materials is a challenging task, we focus on minimizing connector count. Spatial information was extracted from the three-switch optical network using a single LiDAR sensor.
# This program is to show the histo data from VL53L3CX run on Nucleo.
# Run the ST VL53L3CX Gui first. Select the right sensor ( you can calibrate or not)
# that connects the optical fibers.( This can also be done with the Realterm)
# Close the ST VL53L3CX Gui.The Gui will leave either the gui or range channel open.
# Open the Realterm (set up wight with all the good parameters )to check the channels.
# Realterm: Check "Display As" and select Ascii (fifth from the bottom), check "New Line mode" and check "Scrollback" at 200.
# Realterm: Change Baud to 460800, and select serial port Necleo is plug in and highligth "open"
# Realterm: Check +CR in the "Send" menu. Use command "ch_list" and hit "Send ASCII" to see channels openings.
# This program is to show the histo data from VL53L3CX run on Nucleo.
# Run the ST VL53L3CX Gui first. Select the right sensor ( you can calibrate or not)
# that connects the optical fibers.( This can also be done with the Realterm)
# Close the ST VL53L3CX Gui.The Gui will leave either the gui or range channel open.
# Open the Realterm (set up wight with all the good parameters )to check the channels.
# Realterm: Check "Display As" and select Ascii (fifth from the bottom), check "New Line mode" and check "Scrollback" at 200.
# Realterm: Change Baud to 460800, and select serial port Necleo is plug in and highligthed "open"
# Realterm: Check +CR in the "Send" menu. Use command "ch_list" and hit "Send ASCII" to see channels openings.
# Realterm: Use the commands such as "ch_close gui" to close the gui channel and "ch_open histo" to open the histo channel.
# Realterm: Use "ch_list" to check the channel opening again.
# Realterm: Use "enable" to stream data, and use ^C button to stop streaming data.
# Realterm: Hit "open" under port to un-highlight and close the port so Python can have access to
# Realterm:the port that you have your Nucleo plugged in, normally shown 1 to 4.
Now this Python program is getting to run and see the Nucleo histo data. Instructions are below.
1. Open a Terminal window on your PC, assuming Python has been installed.
2. Change directory to the program saved in my Documents folder. In this case I enter "cd Documents"
3. Enter "Python" in the terminal to run this program.
4. When the prompt "y" shows up, hit "Enter" a few times until you see the raw histo data showing on the terminal
5. Enter "bar300" to test the histogram graph. The number after bar is the time in seconds
6. Due to some data mis-transmission reasons, it tends to run shorter time than it is set up.
7. You can continue to run "bar3000" for another longer run after your assigned time is up and "y" prompt shows up.
8. Enter "stop" to stop the program when prompted of "y"
9. You can also close the terminal if want to stop the program.
Dataset Files
Instruction to have access to Nucleo board (4.16 kB)
random servo pressing (1.84 kB)
Python file to save training data and validate location tracing (2.19 kB)
Python file to have direct access to the Nucleo board activated sensor and acquire histo data from Raspberry Pi computer. (1.16 kB)
Arduino program to actuate servos (866 bytes)
The file is to map the validation data to the training data in the dictionry. (1.11 kB)
This file is to plot bar graphs. (682 bytes)
This program imports and uses openCV to trace of the objects. (3.10 kB)
An explanation for the Python files involved in tracing a rolling apple. apple rolling files (831 bytes)
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