IEEE Collaboration 2 and N entities simulation 2021 ver 2

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README.txt for simulation files IEEE_Collaboration_N_entities_2021.mdl and IEEE_2_Platforms_federation_SF_2021.mdl


This is a README.txt for the model published on the paper titled:


Improving IoT Federation Resiliency with Distributed Ledger Technology, 2021, Elo T, et al.


This readme describes how to replicate the main simulation results from the paper using a Vensim

model file. The model file has been generated using the Vensim DSS Macintosh Version 

8.0.7 Double Precision x64.


README.txt for simulation files IEEE_Collaboration_N_entities_2021.mdl and IEEE_2_Platforms_federation_SF_2021.mdl


This is a README.txt for the model published on the paper titled:


Improving IoT Federation Resiliency with Distributed Ledger Technology, 2021, Elo T, et al.


This readme describes how to replicate the main simulation results from the paper using a Vensim

model file. The model file has been generated using the Vensim DSS Macintosh Version 

8.0.7 Double Precision x64.


To replicate the results of the 2 member federation do the following:

Open the provided model file (“2_Platforms_federation_SF_2021.mdl”) with Vensim DSS Macintosh Version 8.0.7 Double Precision x64, or similar

Push "Simulate". 

You obtain the base case result graph of Figure 4 (leftmost sub picture).


Right click “fixes effect on harm multiplier” from the model.

Push “Equation”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It reads: “1”.

Change it to “0.96”.

Push “OK”.

Push "Simulate". 

You obtain the middle case result graph of Figure 4 (middle sub picture).


Right click “fixes effect on harm multiplier” from the model.

Push “Equation”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It reads: “0.96”.

Change it to “0.92”.

Push “OK”.

Push "Simulate". 

You obtain the middle case result graph of Figure 4 (rightmost sub picture).



To replicate the results of the associated paper do the following:

Open the provided model file (“IEEE_Collaboration_N_entities_2021.mdl”) with Vensim DSS Macintosh Version 8.0.7 Double Precision x64, or similar

Push “Simulate” to obtain the baseline simulation for the federation of 10 members

To obtain the spread graph around this push “Sensitivity”

Input “0.119935” to the “Minimum”. Input “0.119939” to the “Maximum”.

Choose “RANDOM_UNIFORM” as “Distribution”.

Input “500” to “number of rounds”.

Push “Parameter”

Choose “fixes effect on harm multiplier”. Push OK.

Push “Next”.

Answer “Yes” to the question: “Do you want to incorporate your current editing?”

Choose “Finnish” at “Savelist control” dialog.

Push Select All button from simulation setup control.

Push Finish button in the same dialog.

A Sensitivity Simulation begins.

After the run you return to model view. Then:

Choose “Federation health” from the model by left clicking it.

Choose Sensitivity Graph from the left button menu.

A Window appears replicating the result for Fig. 7 of the publication.



To replicate the results of the 3 member federation do the following:

Open the provided model file (“IEEE_Collaboration_N_entities_2021.mdl”) with Vensim DSS Macintosh Version 8.0.7 Double Precision x64, or similar

Right click “fixes effect on harm multiplier” from the model.

Push “Equation”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It reads: “0.119935”.

Change it to “0.5”.

Push “OK”.

Push “Subscripts”.

Push “Edit…”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It currently reads: “(f1-f10)”.

Change it to “(f1-f3)” to simulate a three member federation.

Push “OK”.

Push “Close” in “Subscript Control” dialog.

Push simulate to get a new baseline for a three member federation.

Push “Sensitivity”.

Check that “Number of” reads “500”.

Select the simulation setup line from "Currently active parameters".

Push "Modify Selected".

Input “0.500” to the “Minimum”.

Input “0.502” to the “Maximum”.

Check that “Distribution” is “RANDOM_UNIFORM”.

Push “Parameter”.

Choose “fixes effect on harm multiplier”. Push OK.

Push “Next”.

Answer “Yes” to the question: “Do you want to incorporate your current editing?”

Choose “Finnish” at “Savelist control” dialog.

A Sensitivity Simulation begins.

This simulation is visible faster due to 3 member federation being much more simple to simulate that the 10 member federation.

Choose “Federation health” from the model by left clicking it.

Choose Sensitivity Graph from the left button menu.

A Window appears replicating the result for Fig. 6 of the publication.



To replicate the results of the 3 member federation do the following:

Open the provided model file (“IEEE_Collaboration_N_entities_2021.mdl”) with Vensim DSS Macintosh Version 8.0.7 Double Precision x64, or similar

Push “Subscripts”.

Push “Edit…”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It currently reads: “(f1-f10)”.

Change it to “(f1-f5)” to simulate a three member federation.

Push “OK”.

Push “Close” in “Subscript Control” dialog.

Right click “initial success” from the model.

Push “Equation”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It reads: “50”.

Input a vector from Table 3: "100,50,50,5,5".

Push “Close”.

Right click “fixes effect on harm multiplier” from the model.

Push “Equation”.

Edit the value in “Equations”. It reads: “0.119935”.

Change it to “0.2”.

Push “OK”.

To obtain the spread graph around this push “Sensitivity”

Input “0.20” to the “Minimum”. Input “0.26” to the “Maximum”.

Choose “RANDOM_UNIFORM” as “Distribution”.

Input “500” to “number of rounds”.

Push “Parameter”

Choose “fixes effect on harm multiplier”. Push OK.

Push “Next”.

Answer “Yes” to the question: “Do you want to incorporate your current editing?”

Choose “Finnish” at “Savelist control” dialog.

Push Select All button from simulation setup control.

Push Finish button in the same dialog.

A Sensitivity Simulation begins.

After the run you return to model view. Then:

Choose “Federation health” from the model by left clicking it.

Choose Sensitivity Graph from the left button menu.

A Window appears replicating the result for Fig. 8 of the publication.




This model is qualitative so only a graphical presentation as a bitmap is given.