Vehicular networks

The simulation code for the paper:

"AoI-Aware Resource Allocation for Platoon-Based C-V2X Networks via Multi-Agent Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning"


The overall architecture of the proposed MARL framework is shown in the figure.


Modified MADDPG: This algorithm trains two critics (different from legacy MADDPG) with the following functionalities:


The trace location in Seoul, South Korea has an area spanning over 2.5 × 1.5 km where there are are more than 30 intersections. A number of simulated vehicles are moving in the road topology. Each vehicle shows following properties for every second: 

timestep(simulation) secondsThe time step described by the values within this timestep-element

ididThe id of the vehicle

typeidThe name of the vehicle type

speedm/sThe speed of the vehicle
