
Miniature mobile robots in multi-robotic systems require robust environmental perception for successful navigation, especially when operating in real-world environments. One of the sensors that have recently become accessible for miniature mobile robots due to their size and cost-effectiveness is a multi-zone time-of-flight (ToF) sensor. The object of classification in the dataset is a miniature mobile robot on a sand-like terrain with rocks. The dataset was acquired with the ST VL53L5CX ToF sensor.


This dataset has been taken using the Photonic Mixer Device (PMD) Selene Module. To capture the image, we have constructed a demonstrator setup consisting of five materials (i.e., foam board (location: center), crepe paper (location: top), polystyrene (location: right), bubble wrap (location: left), wax (location: bottom)). Each image has been taken at 5 different distances (uniformly distributed between 82 cm to 47 cm) and at 3 different orientations (uniformly distributed between -10 degree to 10 degree) for each material. To avoid noise, each image has been taken in dark environment.
