rail transportation

This upload contains the data and scripts used for a research paper in preparation for publication. The paper presents a probabilistic resilience assessment framework where failure scenarios and network disruptions are generated using weather profile data from climate prediction models with component-level fragility functions. A case study is then carried out to quantify the resilience of Great Britain’s railway passenger transport system to high-temperature-related track buckling under the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) climate change scenario.


This dataset is in support of proposal(initially submitted to Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in the year 2017) and 4 Research papers- Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part I , Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part II ,  Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part III and Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA
