Project 1

Tourism receipts worldwide are not expected to recover to 2019 levels until 2023. In 

the first half of this year, tourist arrivals fell globally by more than 65 percent, with a near halt 

since April—compared with 8 percent during the global financial crisis and 17 percent amid 

the SARS epidemic of 2003, according to ongoing IMF research on tourism in a post-pandemic 

world. Because of pandemic we faces the different struggles specially the business closed. 

that’s why country’s economy decrease, at first many company need to reduce their employee. 


We propose a new concept audio system, It is an audio system with slots for inserting function units in one main body. It is a group for producing the first product for standardization. (Network audio player, DDC, DAC, PHONO equalizer, PRE Amplifier, POWER Amplifier, POWER SUPPLY, etc.)    The internal main board has slots for inserting the unit, and the corresponding unit can be installed and replaced with another compatible unit.  Function units are made in card format and can be upgraded or replaced with other branded products in the future.
