Power system modeling

This dataset has been compiled using publicly available data about the substation loads, generation capacities, transmission line lengths and voltages of the Bangladesh Power Grid, incorporating typical electrical parameters for power factor, transmission line impedance, generator impedances etc. It is tailored for power flow studies as a test case within the PSSE software. However, the dataset can be easily converted to a format compatible with alternative power system analysis software.


The database configuration is based on a joint work of the system planning company (representing the Brazilian Energy Ministry) and private companies (market players and consulting companies) to study the impact of the large integration of renewables in the Brazilian system.

This dataset was used to produce the results of following paper:

Title: An Integrated Progressive Hedging and Benders Decomposition with Multiple Master Method to Solve the Brazilian Generation Expansion Problem


This dataset contains (1) the Simulink model of a three-phase photovoltaic power system with passive anti-islanding protections like over/under current (OUC), over/under voltage (OUV), over/under frequency (OUF), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and dc-link voltage and (2) the results in the voltage source converter and the point of common coupling of the photovoltaic system during islanding operation mode and detection times of analyzed anti-islanding methods.
