The dataset contains two industrial cases with measurement devices installed at the medium voltage bus entrance and at the target load to be identified. It can be used for the research of non-invasive load monitoring algorithms. The types of data measured include three-phase voltage, current, active power, reactive power, as well as the amplitude and phase angle of each harmonic.


This data set is composed by samples of load signature of electric devices acquired on a non-intrusively form. The test-bench was performed using four identical fluorescent lamps, four identical slots and four identical switches. Identical term means the same technical specifications (nominal voltage, power, isolation voltage, among others). The sensors are connected to the power supply in order to measure the electrical variations when appliances are turned on/off. We have 16 possible network configurations with 4 appliances, in which one, two, three or four appliances can be turned on.


The zipped file includes a description of the combined household model example and a Simscape/MATLAB file for the model.


This dataset contains heavy-machinery data from the Brazilian industrial sector. The data was collected in a poultry feed factory located  in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Its process can be summarized to creating pellets of ration for poultry from corn or soybeans and added nutrients. The factory produces at fullscale over the entire year, thus it has well-behaved usage patterns at any time. It operates from Mondays through Fridays (and occasionally on Saturdays, in case production is below the monthly target) on a daily three-turn shift from 10:00 PM to 05:00 PM.
